October 18, 2022

Hi Tina,

Obstacles are a normal part of life. There’s no point in getting upset or frustrated about facing challenges. As tempting as it might be to throw in the towel, you need to take back control and focus your energy on getting through.

You always have a choice about how to deal with problems. Playing the victim and feeling powerless won’t get you anywhere. When you learn from your challenges you can profit from them and use the learning to achieve your goals.

So how do you do it?

The 6 steps outlined below will help you get started. However, they are the tip of the iceberg. Getting clear and implementing change is often hard to do without support (as you’ll see in step 2!)

With the end of the year on the horizon, this is a powerful time to up your game. That’s why I’m creating an intimate cohort of mid-career professionals and business leaders who are ready to:

  • Clarify and Co-Create YOUR Custom Success Path -- to have the career of your dreams…

  • Unlock the secrets to what makes you tick so that you can attract work you love and live the life you want - using my proven Science-Based Approach…

  • Become the CEO of your life with my step-by-step support to design your dream job so that you’re eager to go to work every day and experience fulfillment and success like you’ve never imagined

Having hands-on support to connect the dots from where you are to where you want to go, with the tools in place to position yourself for success, get paid what you deserve, and employ your unique expertise will save you time and energy and help you get where you want to go more quickly.

If this sounds like you, and you’re ready to shift… hit reply now and we’ll set up a quick call so that I can learn more about you and help you get clear on the exact next steps that are right for you and your business or career.

(This call is simply for clarity and the next steps, just for you...no strings attached. If we decide working together might be a good fit, I’m happy to share more about how I can help you get results quickly.) 

To your success,

Tina Asher
Business/Career Coach • Trainer • Author
Build U Up Consulting

6 Ways to Embrace Obstacles and Take Back Your Power

Here are 6 steps to help you embrace obstacles and take back your power.

1. Get some distance 

The first step in taking back your power is to step back from the obstacle. Go for a walk or do some exercise to burn off some of that emotional energy. You can then come back and look at the situation with calm and positive energy.

2. Make sure you get the right resources 

Once you know what you’re dealing with, you can do a quick check of what you need to solve your problem. Do you need to buy in or learn new skills? Do you need more finances or different software? Get advice from a trusted advisor or mentor.

3. Change your perspective 

When you’re in the middle of adversity, it can be hard to get a handle on what’s going on. Ask your colleague, mentor, friend, or trusted family member for their view on things. A fresh pair of eyes can give a different perspective and help open up different pathways for you.

(If you’ve been with me here for a while and we haven’t connected yet -- hit reply and let’s set up a call. It’s my gift, no strings or sales, just clarity for you! )

4. Evaluate the situation 

Even if it’s an issue where emotions are running high, try to be objective in evaluating the obstacles. See your problem as a stepping-stone to success and work out what you can learn from it. What needs to change to enable you to move on?

5. Stay focused 

Try to stay calm and optimistic when you’re looking for a solution to your problem. A positive mindset sets you up for finding solutions rather than staying stuck in front of the obstacle. Keep your self-talk upbeat and know that you can do it.

6. Stay in a growth mindset 

People who have a growth mindset expect change and expect to adapt to changing circumstances. They don’t see setbacks as failures but as prompts to change strategy. Continuous improvement means anticipating challenges and evolving all the time to get better at what you’re doing. It provides a flexible foundation for achieving goals and means you never need to be hindered by obstacles.

Recommended Reading

One of my favorite books is Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson, M.D. I recommend this book often because it is a quick, easy and fun way to capture the complexities of change and incorporate a simple approach to overcome the fear around it. The clever story weaves in wisdom to help in everyday decisions. Grab this book, read it, learn from it, laugh at it, and put into practice the common sense approach to overcome a world of unpredictable change.



Added bonus recommendation: Into movies?  

Check out the movie Thirteen Lives, based on a true story of a soccer team caught in the depths of a cave and survived after 17 days. The story captures true teamwork from the community, the government, the players, and the families in the village. Be prepared to be inspired by this film.

Upcoming Event | Promotion

Are you out of alignment with your purpose and passion for work?  Do you crave finding the joy you once had to do work that gets you excited? Do you struggle with knowing how to find that passion?  Find out how you can discover that passion again by being part of my Design Your Dream Job intimate programSchedule a call or hit reply and let’s set up a call. 

Prefer the VIP treatment?  Want to speed up the process and have concentrated support to help you align the right career path with your unique skill set?  Find out more about my VIP Intensive Results program by scheduling a call.  If you don't find a convenient time, just hit reply and I'll work with you to set something up. 

You deserve to be happy and your family and friends want that for you too.  

Teetering: A Frazzled, Overworked Person's Guide to Embracing Change and Finding Balance

If you’re overworked and over-stressed, Teetering is for you. You’ll learn tips and ideas to help you avoid costly mistakes and feelings of overwhelm so you can get off the tightrope and have the life you desire.

Available for Kindle, too!

Helpful Resources

Managers & Leaders: Download this free guide to discover where you might be out of balance so you can become a better boss.

Career Help: Unsure about your job? Download this free tool to assess your career and see where you might be out of balance. 

Tina Asher
Career Coach • Trainer • Author

With 20+ years in leading, training, sales management, and coaching, Tina Asher brings a broad skillset to helping busy professionals elevate their success. She holds certifications with one of the world's leading sources for science-based, validated assessment and coaching tools. Tina is passionate about serving others to reach their full potential while balancing a full and productive life.

©2022 Tina Asher & Build U Up Consulting • All Rights Reserved

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