Teetering Sales Page
Teetering: A Frazzled, Overworked Person's Guide
to Embrace Change and Find Balance
Have you climbed the ladder of success only to find that it isn’t all it’s cracked up to be?
Are you teetering between the life you’ve built versus the life you actually want?
Then Teetering is for you. Here's what others had to say ...
"This book is a must-read guide for anyone who is facing the challenges of balancing their personal and professional life."
— Mary Fineis, Life, Leadership and Sports Performance Coach
"Tina is a skilled writer who brilliantly shares her life's lessons so anyone reading her book will come away awakened and inspired with the skills to make life changes."
— Janet Henze, Certified Health Coach

Tina Asher is the founder and President of Build U Up Consulting and enjoys helping busy professionals get out of the rat race and build on a career that they love. She has multiple certifications with one of the world's leading sources for research based, validated assessment and coaching tools. Her passion is, and has always been, encouraging others to reach their full potential while balancing a full and productive life. Tina is mother to three young adults and lives with her husband Dan in Missouri.
The Teetering Journal - a downloadable companion journal to write your notes and discoveries as you read the book.

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