October 10, 2023

Hi Tina,

Tired of feeling like you have to "do it all" in your business? It's time to change that mindset and focus on building an effective team. This month's main article unpacks why having the right team is crucial for success and offers practical strategies to make your team more efficient and engaged.

To your success,

Tina Asher
Business/Career Coach • Trainer • Author
Build U Up Consulting

How to Build (and Keep) a High-Performance Team

"There's no ‘I’ in 'team.' There is a me, though, if you jumble it up." Dr. Greg House, from TV’s House

Employers and entrepreneurs often think they must “do it all themselves,” as reflected in the following statements:

“No one can do this as well as I can.”
“It’s easier to just do it myself than to explain how to someone else.”
“I don’t have time to train anybody.”

When you think that way, however, you may be overlooking a critical component for success in managing small-to-medium sized businesses. And that is, building the right team.

What’s in a Team?

A team is basically a group of people with complementary skills who are mutually committed to working together toward a common goal with shared rewards.

Highly Effective Teams...

See “the big picture.” This promotes collaboration, increases commitment, and improves quality. Each team member knows the greater goals of the organization and understands the context of their own (and each other’s) roles and responsibilities toward those goals.

Have common goals. Effective teams know what the goals are AND know how to determine if they’ve reached them (or not).

Collaborate. Effective teams are all about interdependency. Collaboration reduces the need for playing “the blame game” while encouraging opportunities for learning and improvement.

Where to Find Your “A-Team”

Finding the right people doesn’t have to be difficult:

  • Start with who you know - clients, colleagues, classmates, volunteers.
  • Check other people’s recommended resources (this is especially good for projects).
  • Do a search online/post online.
  • Post at non-traditional places like Craigslist (one of the most underutilized places to find people “in the know”).

Smells Like Team Spirit

Whether you’re building a team from scratch or working with an existing team, here are some key strategies to help make the most of your team.

Effective Team Leaders Must...

  • Give clear tasks and goals.
  • Ensure that the team has the necessary support, resources, structure, and training to do their jobs.
  • Put a deadline on everything – whether it “needs” it or not. Remember, the task on hand will expand to fill the time allotted.
  • Over-communicate. Better to have the information and not need it than to need it and not have it (including timely, constructive, and consistent feedback).
  • Promote problem-solving within the team. How? By seeing mistakes as opportunities (and encouraging the team to do the same). Instead of hiding mistakes, people become proactive.
  • Focus on structure. Poor performance is usually due to poor team structure, not individual performance. Poor structure leads to negative, ineffective behaviors in individuals and impedes communication. If team members feel that they are misunderstood or competing against each other, they’re more likely to hold back information or resources.

What’s My Motivation?

People are motivated by many things: getting paid, loving what they do, seeing a project come together, taking on new (bigger) challenges, the creative process, ego gratification or simply not being bored.

How to keep your team invested in your success:

  • Offer challenging work and opportunities for learning. This gives people a chance to grow into new roles and encourages responsibility.
  • Offer freedom and independence in the decision-making process to encourage self-empowerment. Powerful individuals make powerful teams.
  • Recognize the contribution of your team. This is critical to the success of any company, and most leaders fail at doing so adequately - a HUGE mistake. Noticing (and publicly acknowledging) the effort of each team member is an underutilized (and free) way to ensure team success. Remember, no one does it alone.
  • If subcontractors make up your team, offer a retainer for a certain number of hours each month so that they are likely to be more committed to you.
  • Pay them well.
  • Create win-win situations by making referrals to contracting superstars and watch their businesses grow (and make referrals back to you!)

Finding the right team is not about finding the perfect team, and it doesn’t guarantee success. Team members need consistent and ongoing support. Ideally, team members will be both independent and interdependent. Remember, nurturing a team (even a little) achieves better performance and better results.

Author’s content used under license, © Claire Communications 

Recommended Reading

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni

This is one of my favorite books on having an effective team. It’s packed with great advice and easy-to-implement practices.

Upcoming Event/Promotion

My latest YouTube video talks about Dealing with a Micro Manager. Click here to listen.

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Last month I had the privilege of speaking at the St. Louis Counsel of Construction Consumers (SLC3) leaders luncheon on Time Management Mastery. When you have a group of leaders who are engaged and excited to learn, it makes for a great event. Hit reply if you want to learn more about this organization and I'll get you in touch with their team.

What organizations are you part of that hire speakers? Let me know what pressing challenges you're facing. If it's not a topic I speak on, I can offer some recommendations for other speakers with that expertise. 

Helpful Resources


Managers & Leaders: Download this free guide to discover where you might have opportunities to become a better boss.




Career Help: Unsure about your job? Download this free tool to assess your current career and see where you might be out of balance. 


Connect with Me: Ready to transform your career and life? Take the first step toward a brighter future today. Click here to schedule a complimentary Strategy Session, and together, we'll uncover the key steps that will lead you to a more fulfilling and rewarding journey ahead.

Tina Asher
Career Coach • Trainer • Author

With 20+ years in leading, training, sales management, and coaching, Tina Asher brings a broad skillset to helping busy professionals elevate their success. She holds certifications with one of the world's leading sources for science-based, validated assessment and coaching tools. Tina is passionate about serving others to reach their full potential while balancing a full and productive life.

©2023 Tina Asher & Build U Up Consulting • All Rights Reserved

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